Why Electric Cars Are Only As Clean As Their Power Supply

Never read such a poor uneducated thread in my life, conversion of energy takes energy and loses some in the process. Ok put generator on your wheels and the energy to turn the wheel increases with the load on the generator. All these ideas are so stupid I have lost the will to live. Motorists in Roanoke, Virginia, got the chance to test a novel kinetic energy recovery device just by driving over a speed bump. Vehicle-to-grid charging devices are DC chargers, since this way the cars' own unidirectional on-board chargers can be bypassed.

During the day, electricity from the sun goes right into my car’s battery. It costs less to charge an electric vehicle than it does to buy gasoline, even when traveling — if you plan ahead. Between 2010 and 2015, consumers purchased approximately 210,000 BEVs and 190,000 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles —small numbers compared to 226 million registered vehicles in the United States. Total U.S. sales of plug-in electric vehicles have increased in recent years, but still represent only about 0.7% of new vehicle sales in 2015.

The problem is the oil industry wants to control everything. If this car was ever produced nationwide, it would put millions of people out of work and crush the oil industry. They would still produce oil, mainly for our military, commercial airlines, and foreign countries. No one wants an electric car that only travel 100 miles before charging. Even I am wondering why won’t company come up with engine to trap the energy that is produced by running car and recharge the battery on It’s own.

Nighttime is often when the wind blows but it is also when utilities like to run only their coal-fired power plants. If a wind mill with a electric generator that turns slow and has big output of electric because of the gearing , they can build a generator connected to back wheels of electric car gear the generator slow turns big output. Electric car with 24 kw battery pack, when electric motor turns car generator runs electric motor and recharges battery pack. If you can run a house with portable generator you can run a electric car and charge it up with right generator and gearing of generator.and use reg braking also. If you can drive a Chevy Volt that has a hold the battery, charge the battery up and you have 50 miles on charge on the car, and you hold that mileage to where you are driving to.

But I really wish we had it back in the ice storm of 2013, when my sister's power was out during Christmas day and into the evening. Finally, there’s no need for a big, smelly gas generator you need to maintain. Tesla’s focus on luxury, high-performance vehicles has broadened their appeal. Fuel cell cars are eligible for a $5,000 rebate ($7,000 for income qualified purchasers) from California’s Clean Vehicle Rebate Project. They also qualify for the Clean Air Vehicle decal to drive solo in the carpool lanes, as well as various programs to support clean transportation ownership in low income and disadvantaged communities. A Free electric by driving your Car request that this article title be changed to Environmental footprint of cars is under discussion.

Vehicle-to-grid goes one step further and enables the charged power to also be momentarily pushed back to the grid from car batteries to balance variations in energy production and consumption. V2G stands for “vehicle to grid” and is a technology that enables energy to be pushed back to the power grid from the battery of an electric car. With electric vehicle-to-grid technology—also known as car-to-grid—a car battery can be charged and discharged based on different signals — such as energy production or consumption nearby. Considering the two laws together, any source of energy cannot be used to replenish itself.

HEVs have an internal combustion engine along with batteries that capture and store energy that would normally be wasted when the vehicle is driven. Unlike plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, drivers don’t plug in an HEVs to charge the vehicle’s batteries. Instead, a HEV uses the gasoline engine and regenerative braking to charge up the vehicle batteries that help power the car . Using a mix of gasoline and electricity provides greater fuel efficiency and significantly reduces tailpipe emissions, but HEVs are not quite as clean or efficient as plug-in electric vehicles. HEVs have both the range and power of conventional gasoline and diesel vehicles.

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